Monday, August 6, 2012

Summers End

Summer is coming to an end. My busy busy life will slow down quite a bit.  Coming home from Massachusetts yesterday was anything but relaxing. I knew going back was going to be a very joyful time, What I didn't know was how it was going to feel to leave. It was two years ago in September that I left the one place I love most and that feels like home. I met some amazing people this weekend, whom I learned a lot from. I feel so encouraged and loved by those people. Going back to L'abri will always bring sentimentality. I know its purpose is supposed to be the opposite of that, but I feel that it is almost impossible. That is the place where the roots were planted, watered and nurtured. I was loved and encouraged there. I was taught how to think and have a mind of my own. What it looks like to live with people I don't get along with and how we are all image bearers. L'abri will always feel like I have found this hidden treasure of life that others are missing out on. I know that part of the reason leaving was hard because I know that L'abri served its purpose in my life and its time to move on.   The people who go to L'abri are a rare breed, but we all have something in common, that we are seeking something. I don't know how to build a bond with someone who feels that life is a chore to be lived, and every working hour is supposed to be a countdown. Aren't the hours of where we feel like not happening some of the most important ones? There is almost something you can learn and take from whatever experience is going on. It seems hard to find people like that in the suburbs out here. It is hard to find people who think period. 

The whole reason I went back this weekend was because Grace got married. It went by too fast but I enjoyed every second. I knew that the second I left I wished I would've taken it in more. So I did, I tried as much as I could to remain present. Being back at L'abri also revealed to me how far God has brought me. How those people I will always have a connection to, they will always be apart of who I am no matter what. Even though the workers there might not know every story of things that have happened or have seen how far I am today, I didn't feel the need for them to know, I knew and God knows and thats what mattered.  anywho.

So now I am back here. In a city I don't enjoy, with people who I don't really click with. But this is where I am at. God has given me the people I need during this time, I know i am supposed to be here. It is short term, until i move onto my next place but I am here and this is my reality. And working as a nanny can be isolating and exhausting. I learn many thing from them, probably more from them than they do from me. With school starting back in a few weeks I will be back on the train of education. I am looking forward to it!! I cannot wait to be back in that environment.  That is all for now.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Back One More Time!

Alright, I am back to the blog. Mostly to put on here what I am doing for my sisters shower, since, I am so thrilled! Summer is upon us. I am still working the same job and will for the next year. It has been a great one of that, first job that I really do love and enjoy. Getting into the rhythm of life and a way of living for myself. I have been attending an amazing artsy church. Thanks to the wonderful,L' abri workers! The church is called Grace and Peace, Schaeffers church he started after Covenant asked him to leave. This has been an amazing past few months. God has done some incredible things in my life and those around me. I am growing to feel very at peace and my fears are starting to leave. I start back school in the summer, then my life will really be crazy. Working almost ft and school ft, but I love school and am excited for what the summer brings. 


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well I haven't blogged anything in quite a bit. The updates are...that I have a new job, I am taking this semester of school off. I am trying to work as much as possible and pay off things, save for things and get out back on my own. I had to take this semester off because of money, i wasn't really happy about it. But i know God has a reason for it and there are things I am learning now. 

I have been doing dinners with mosaic, every second sunday of the month. They are going well, it is a community focused dinner. (but I think everything is supposed to be community focused nowadays anyways?) It is going well and encouraging to see people connecting. This past week we talked about spiritual disciplines, which I don't think people enjoyed as much.

That is about all the updates I can give. besides the fact that I am doing much better, as in much better, i feel like a different person. I am looking forward to this next season, as well as spring weather. Also, to celebrate with 3 weddings this summer!


Friday, January 27, 2012


“Nothing much is happening here I guess - Bob Shelton is waiting for Jean - the dogs are waiting to go out, the thiefs are waiting for an old lady - little kids are waiting for school - the cop is waiting to beat up on someone - them lousey bums are waiting for money - Grove Street is waiting for Bedford Street - the dirty are waiting to be cleaned - everybody is waiting for cooler weather - and I am just waiting for you.” Letter from Bob Dylan to Suze Rotolo in 1962

Sunday, November 27, 2011

"you don't think your way to a new kind of living, you live your way into a new kind of thinking"

henri nouwen

Saturday, November 26, 2011


In solitude we grasp for any scrap of humanity we can find - in film, books, television, in the grocery store line, and the wave of a neighbor. Solitude heightens our people-sense; every look, touch, and word begin to mean the world to us.